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Welcome to Gao Peng’s homepage

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My name is Gao Peng, a second year Ph.D. student at Chinese University of Hong Kong supervised by Hongsheng Li. Before that, I spent one year in Singapore, working with Steven Hoi. I graduated from Zhe Jiang University.

Great thanks to my collaborators: Hongsheng Li, Steven Hoi, Zekai Jiang, Shuang Li and Jianping Shi.

My research interest is in Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning.

Email : 1155102382@link.cuhk.edu.hk


  1. Question Guided Hybrid Convolution for Visual Question Answering (ECCV 2018)
  2. Locally Weighted Deformable Neighbours with Video Object Detection (AAAI 2019)
  3. Contextual Feature Pyramid for Object Recognition(Report 2018)
  4. Exploiting inside and outside modality information flow for Visual Question Answering (Report 2018)

Research Project

Practice influential algorithm from scratch by myself.

  1. Play connect 4 by alpha beta pruning
  2. Viteribi algorithm on HMM speech recognition
  3. N Boday simulation acceleration by CUDA
  4. Decision Tree and Random Forest by Numpy